Portugal INCoDe.2030



Promoter – RUTIS (Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade)

Action – Universidade Sénior Virtual 2.0 – Seniores ativos em casa

Description – It is an action that includes IT classes aimed at the senior population, and takes place within the scope of RUTIS (Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade), which created the Universidade Sénior Virtual 2.0 – Seniores ativos em casa, with online classes during the new lockdown, from February 2021 to July 2021.

RUTIS (Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade) is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS) and of public utility to support the community and seniors, nationally and internationally, based in Almeirim, created in 2005. Due to the pandemic and social isolation online classes were created using the Zoom platform, encouraging the senior population to feel integrated during the lockdown. RUTIS, as a network that unites different universities, counted on the presence of students from senior universities from all over the country in these classes, in an attempt to integrate, include and educate. A schedule with various themes was developed from Monday to Friday.

More specifically in relation to online classes, the topics covered will be related to practical demonstrations from the user’s perspective:

– Office

– Internet Services

– 3D Modeling

– Google Tools

– Cloud storage types

– Introduction to programming

– Augmented reality

– Digital web tools

– Internet of Things

– Robotics (OpenRoberta)

Universidade Sénior Virtual 2.0” will take place depending on the measures announced by the government, as the senior population may be advised to stay at home.

One of the main goals is to generalize digital literacy to the senior population, through an integrative project, such as “Universidade Sénior Virtual 2.0”,  with a view to the full exercise of citizenship and inclusion in a society with increasingly dematerialized practices, and in which many interactions social events take place on the Internet and are increasingly mediated by electronic devices. The development of human and inclusive potential is considered essential in order to stimulate and reinforce new digital skills in all teaching and lifelong learning cycles. Integrating and encouraging the senior population is essential and a necessary asset to value society. There is a senior population that cannot be excluded and is active and ready to face new challenges, especially given the current circumstances of isolation and to avoid the exclusion of senior population.

More information here.