Portugal INCoDe.2030


InCoDe.2030 presents itself as na aggregator of several initiatives with convergente objetives, organizing itself around 5 axes of action and ensuring the promotion of gender equality across the board, deconstructing stereotypes in the technological área and fostering equal oppurtunities.

In this way, it is intended to promote gender equality in all measures InCoDe.2030, promoting positive initiatives and actions with the aim of increasing the participation of women in the digital área, ensuring the disaggregation of data by sex in all measures and their monioring, in the sense of balanced participation between men and women.

The gender dimension is the 5th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): “Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls”.


“Engenheiras Por Um Dia”

The “Engenheiras por 1 Dia” program aims to work with primary and secondary school studentes to deconstruct gender setereotypes in the most segregated áreas of enginnering and and ICT, through practical exercises, mentoring networks and professional experiences, in partnership with schools, higer education institutions, professional associations, companies and munipalities. Learn more at: www.engenheirasporumdia.pt

Alliance for Equality in ICT

InCoDe.2030 signed the Alliance for Equality in ICT Commitment, wich aims to formalize the nertwork of partnerships of the Engineering Program for a day, under the coordination of the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (CIG) in conjuction with the Portuguese Association for Diversity and Inclusion (APPDI), with a view to promoting the digital inclusion of women and their participation in engineering and techonology, consolidating and strcturing forms of systematic cooperation and dissemination of the work corried out by the partner entitties.



National program for the conversion of 3,000 assets, employees and unemployed, into professionals in the área of ICT, Joint iniciative of the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), the Coording Council of the Polytechnic Institutes of Higer Education (CCISP), the Portuguese Association for the Development of Communications (APDC) and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE). Woment represente a quarter of applications.

Roteiro INcoDe.2030 – Capacitação Digital

Rampa Digital

Scholarship program


Apps for Good: Young Student Award .PT

Technological educational program that challenges students and students from 5th to 12th grade and teachers from all disciplinary areas to develop applications for smartphones or tablets, showing them the potential of technology in the transformation of the world and the communities where they operate. It presents an award addressed to the female audience "Jovem Aluna . PT", to encourage female participation in the digital world. Learn more at: www.cdi.org.pt

Game of Professions for Equality

The Game of Professions for Equality is born from the need to, from an early age, deconstruct prejudices and demonstrate that there are no professions only for men or only for women. This initiative brought together several entities that, jointly and voluntarily, started a project - with a first game - that aims to provide simple, interactive, inclusive and educational games, as well as content and information on these themes, available to the entire educational community and families. Learn more at: www.jogodasprofissoes.pt

Session "More Equal Digital Portugal - Initiatives where women (already) have an active place"

On March 8, 2021, International Women’s Day, the role of women in the technological sector was discussed, in the session "Portugal Digital More Equal - Initiatives where women (already) have an active place", organized by the incode in partnership with the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, the Portugal Digital Mission Structure and the .PT. Learn more here: https://clientes.space/incode/eventos/

Session "Women Create Value"

"Women Create Value" was the theme of the event that marked International Women’s Day 2022, organized by incode.2030, the then Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, Rosa Monteiro, and the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, integrating the activities of the Engineers program for a day. In this event we heard the testimony of women scientists and researchers, but we also discussed how employers are enhancing the participation of women in the technological sector and the reconciliation between professional, personal and family life. Learn more here: https://clientes.space/incode/eventos/ 

Women in Tech Portugal

Women in Tech is an international non-profit organization, created with the mission of reducing the gender gap and empowering women with the skills and confidence needed to succeed in STEM areas. Headquartered in Paris, it is present on 6 continents and has more than 70,000 members. It focuses on 4 distinct areas - Education, Business, Social Inclusion and Advocacy -, and aims to empower 5 million women by 2030. Learn more here: Women in Tech - International non-profit Organization (Women-in-tech.org)

Technovation Girls

The Technovation Girls is a global tech education nonprofit that empowers girls to become leaders, creators and problem-solvers. The Technovation Girls program equips young women (ages 8-18) to become tech entrepreneurs and leaders. Learn more at:  technovationchallenge.org

“As Raparigas do Código”

“As Raparigas do Código” are a young community focused on promoting digital inclusion by carrying out activities associated with teaching programming to school-age girls (basic, secondary and higher education). We want to demystify the role of women in technology, encouraging more girls and women to enter the information technology sector. Learn more at: raparigasdocodigo.pt