INCoDe 2030

Portugal INCoDe.2030
República Portuguesa



The place of Portugal in the European context: goals to be achieved

INCoDe.2030 is set in the international context and aims to improve Portugal’s position and competitiveness, working towards securing a prominent place in terms of digital competences in the 2017- 2030 period, through a set of actions and initiatives, namely a stronger participation in international scientific and technological networks, primarily in Europe and North America, but also with the Portuguese speaking countries and the Mediterranean nations of North Africa. Portugal must have a strong presence in the most relevant international arenas dealing with the shift to the digital society and economy, particularly in the EU, OECD and UN, in order to achieve increased visibility, and contribute to opening new markets, attracting talents to Portugal.


Portugal’s current position in Europe, the challenges to be addressed, appraisal of the measures taken and the results achieved over time through this programme can be understood through a set of indicators divided into 5 categories: access, human potential, use, investment, and training and certification.


It seeks to assess the situation of Internet access infrastructures. Although the mere existence of access conditions does not mean that they are effectively used, this program is oriented towards encouraging the development of digital skills.  

% of households with internet access
Relatively low compared to other countries. However, developments have been significant.

2020 2025 2030
80% 90% 100%

% of individuals who have never used the internet
This indicator is particularly negative for Portugal, even though considerable progress has been made. This is one of the indicators that deserve more attention and effort.
2020 2025 2030
20% 10% 5%

% of individuals who frequently use the internet
Portugal already has reasonable values, but still way lower the more developed countries.
2020 2025 2030
-50.000 - -

N.º of SMEs in commerce and services with online presence
60% of Portuguese companies do not have a presence on the Internet. This reality is even more pronounced in the case of micro and small businesses, which predominate in the commerce and services sector.
2020 2025 2030
+50.000 - -

Human Capital

Assessment of the population's digital skills, both globally and in terms of their impact on employability. Here, indirect and relevant indicators for the program are also taken into account, such as the number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) graduates, at a higher level, and the number of PhDs completed.

% of individuals with basic or better-than-basic digital skills
Portugal currently sits above Ireland, but the comparison may be affected by difficulties in confronting levels of education. Spain is much better, but the difference with Finland is still significant.

2020 2025 2030
55% 65% 80%

% of ICT specialists in employment
Only the comparison with Spain is not very unfavourable.
2020 2025 2030
3% 5% 8%

Number of higher education graduates in STEM per thousand inhabitants (20-29 years old)
Portugal compares favourably to more developed countries. However, this indicator could be improved.
2020 2025 2030
22 23 25


Characterization of the way in which the Portuguese population uses digital facilities in their personal and work lives.

% of employees who use computers with an internet connection at work
The situation in Portugal is significantly worse than that of the countries it is compared to, and progress has been very slow.

2020 2025 2030
40% 60% 80%

% of SMEs with a high level of digital intensity
Portugal is significantly below most other countries.
2020 2025 2030
20% 30% 40%

% of individuals who have used the internet to access electronic banking (last 3 months)
Despite some progress, Portugal is still poorly positioned, with almost three times fewer people in this category than Finland, and far below countries like Ireland or the Czech Republic.
2020 2025 2030
40% 60% 90%

% of individuals who have used the internet to use online public services (last 12 months)
Only Estonia and Finland are significantly better than Portugal. However, it makes sense to further strengthen Portugal’s lead in Europe.
2020 2025 2030
60% 75% 90%


In the investment category, total expenditure and corporate expenditure on R&D are analyzed, which are so relevant to axes 4 and 5 of the program. Although they are context indicators, they are crucial to characterize the general panorama of qualification.

Total expenditure on R&D as a function of GDP (GERD) - %
The recent drop in this indicator is worrying and it is essential to resume the earlier pace of growth.

2020 2025 2030
1.6% 0.02% 2.6%

Business expenditure on R&D as a function of GDP (BERD) - %
This indicator also shows a setback in recent years that needs to be recovered.
2020 2025 2030
0.01% 1.5% 0.02%

Training and Certification

It is considered a set of five indicators of a slightly different nature because, although linked to human potential, they do not measure the current state of qualifications, but the effectiveness of the measures taken to improve them in various aspects of digital skills. Number of unemployed trainees, with very low qualifications, included in training sessions in Basic Skills, including digital skills.

Specific training offer, aimed at increasing levels of digital literacy, associated with processes to combat info-exclusion, aimed at employed and/or unemployed assets.

2020 2025 2030
10.000 - -

Number of unemployed trainees, with very low qualifications, included in training sessions in Basic Skills, including digital skills.

2020 2025 2030
30.000 - -

Number of trainees covered by Active Life training sessions – QUALIFICA +, in courses that necessarily include ICT training and are defined with the contribution of employers in each region.

Professional retraining of citizens with very low qualifications and unemployed, integrating the ICT domain.

2020 2025 2030
50.000 - -

Number of trainees covered by training sessions in Learning Courses, Technological Specialization (CET) in Adult Education and Training (EFA) and Modular Training, at level 4 (intermediate level qualifications), in specific ICT domains .
Vocational training and retraining of unemployed or employed staff, with intermediate training.
2020 2025 2030
40.000 - -

Number of trainees covered by professional reconversion training projects, namely those implemented through cooperation agreements with higher education institutions, with ICT skills, for the implementation of high value training paths for the job market, defined in collaboration with employers in the region.
Professional retraining of staff with higher education in areas of low employability and unemployment.
2020 2025 2030
15.000 - -

Number of trainees covered by cooperation agreements for the implementation of specific certified training courses in the area of ICT, with the installation of academies and the appropriate industry certification instruments.
Certification of senior and middle management in the field of ICT skills, with recognition by the industry and the job market in general
2020 2025 2030
5.000 - -

Number of trainers covered by continuous training actions, specific in ICT areas, including distance training.
Pedagogical skills of trainers, in ICT, with a view to strengthening their digital skills and mobilizing digital resources at the service of pedagogical activities
2020 2025 2030
2.000 - -