The Digital Skills Forum will take place on October 30th at the Super Bock Arena.
This initiative is part of Digital Skills Month – #tratarodigitalportu, which runs throughout October and includes various actions from programs in Portugal that are working to promote digital skills among the Portuguese population.
The Digital Skills Forum aims to engage a wide range of stakeholders and showcase cases and results of best practices, ensuring broad mobilization for the National Digital Skills Initiative e.2030 (INCoDe.2030).
Throughout the day, several face-to-face workshops will take place:
10h00 e 11h30 – Engineers for a day (for schools)
10h00 e 11h30 Happy Code (for schools)
10h00 – ENSICO (for teachers)
10h00 – PTSOC and PSP: Cybersecurity Challenges and Good Practices
11h30 – (for teachers)
11h30 – ubbu (for teachers)
14h30 – Apps for Good
14h30- Employability (non-ICT) in the Future
14h30 – ANPRI: Introduction to the microbit
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