Portugal INCoDe.2030


Porto to Host the Digital Skills Forum on October 30

Porto to Host the Digital Skills Forum on October 30

The Digital Skills Forum will take place on October 30th at the Super Bock Arena.

This initiative is part of Digital Skills Month – #tratarodigitalportu, which runs throughout October and includes various actions from programs in Portugal that are working to promote digital skills among the Portuguese population.

The Digital Skills Forum aims to engage a wide range of stakeholders and showcase cases and results of best practices, ensuring broad mobilization for the National Digital Skills Initiative e.2030 (INCoDe.2030).

Throughout the day, several face-to-face workshops will take place:

10h00 e 11h30 – Engineers for a day (for schools)
10h00 e 11h30 Happy Code (for schools)
10h00 – ENSICO (for teachers)
10h00 – PTSOC and PSP: Cybersecurity Challenges and Good Practices
11h30 – Sitestar.pt (for teachers)
11h30 – ubbu (for teachers)
14h30 – Apps for Good
14h30- Employability (non-ICT) in the Future
14h30 – ANPRI: Introduction to the microbit

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