The Junior Code Academy – Code Literacy project was recognized with the seal “an INCoDe.2030 action”, in the area of education.
Since 2016, the Municipality of Fundão has implemented this project in all basic schools in the 1st and 2nd cycles of the municipality, with the main objective of promoting logical reasoning and problem-solving strategies, developing creativity, promoting a critical, reflective spirit and computational thinking.
Classes are taught by technicians from the local authority, after a process of technical and pedagogical training, in close coordination with the main teachers and during school hours. The aim is to ensure efficient coordination of the content taught with the curricular programs, as well as promoting on-site training for teachers, so that they can later teach these classes.
This project aims to respond to the social problems of school failure and dropout and youth unemployment, through the training of teachers and the teaching of computer science and programming, in schools in the 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education.
Currently the project covers around 1,100 students, 55 full professors and ten technicians from the Fundão City Council.
More information here.