MILAGE Aprender + platform launched several training offers, highlighting the first accredited training in the micro MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) modality, which is free to attend. This is a course arranged so that, in two hours of training, teachers have the opportunity to learn how to use the resources available on the platform, in the context of face-to-face teaching.
MILAGE Aprender + app is an innovative pedagogical model that promotes student autonomy and respects individualized learning rhythms, with the aim of contributing to school success. At the same time, several online training courses are presented, accredited for different recruitment groups, so that teachers can learn how to create digital educational resources, which will be available to everyone.
Developed by the University of Algarve, MILAGE Aprender + was distinguished for its courses, with the seal “uma ação INCoDe.2030”, since they aim to implement an innovative pedagogical practice, using mobile technologies, in a hybrid model of learning, which combines the analog and the digital.
Applications until April 12. More information here.