INCoDe 2030

Portugal INCoDe.2030
República Portuguesa


one action

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Acknowledgement of actions that promote digital skills

INCoDe.2030 programme is open for applications to award the “uma ação INCoDe.2030” seal (“an action INCoDe.2030”) to individuals, organizations, and public and private entities which contribute to the improvement of digital skills nationwide. This seal aims to acknowledge applying actions and flag social mobilization around INCoDe.2030 goals.


INCoDe.2030 welcomes the application of initiatives which promote digital inclusion and literacy, as well as education from an early age to working population’s qualification, graduates’ specialisation to fill digital jobs and research projects. These actions may be already running or have a start date within three months from the date of the application.


Those who consider having an initiative worthy of this accreditation, should first look into the Rules of Procedure (in Portuguese) and, if able, fill the application form (in Portuguese) available on INCoDe.2030 website only, attaching all the required documents.


To access the form, you first need to create an account. This registry will allow you to submit applications and check the process’ status, as well as submit new applications.


The applications may be individual, collective and in consortium, with the indication of the correspondent taxpayer number. The application submission consists in filling the form, which includes the action’s presentation, metrics, goals, target audience type and number, frequency, schedule and location. It is possible to check the application status – pending, granted or not granted – at any time.


INCoDe.2030 Technical Secretariat is responsible for the applications eligibility check and evaluation, together with INCoDe.2030 Coordination Structure’s analysis. Applicants will be notified about the final decision within 30 days from the date of the submission. 

The selected actions will receive and be allowed to use the “uma ação INCoDe.2030” seal on their communication plans and channels. These actions will also be promoted on INCoDe.2030 channels, both website and social media.